Spanking the Goddess Read online

  Spanking the Goddess

  by Brenda Williamson

  Previously published.

  All Rights Reserved.

  Spanking the Goddess - Copyright © 2015 by Brenda Williamson

  Cover Copyright © 2015 by Brenda Williamson

  Reproduction of this e-Book for sharing or selling,

  other than what the author grants is strictly prohibited by law.

  Billock Books

  WARNING: This book is intended for readers over the age of 18 years of age. It contains explicit adult sexual content.

  Want to know a little known fact or secret about the author?

  Read the note at the end of the story.

  Chapter One

  Angry voices cut through the howling wind around Calandra. Her senses all muddled, she ran for safety in the obscuring stormy weather. When a cold surge of air lashed her back, she stopped in her tracks and stared at the rumbling heavens.

  The Gods of Olympus also displayed an irate temperament. The once blue sky had darkened and the turbulence of the spring tempest thickened the air surrounding her with a gray fog. Too much went on in her mind—too many commands she had no wish to obey.

  With her palms outstretched, she pushed against the strong wind and found her hands instruments of her will. As if the heavy air was a curtain hanging in her way, it parted.

  “There she is,” someone shouted from behind her.

  She glanced back to see two men racing to catch up to her.

  Who were they?

  What had she done to upset them?

  Why was she running?

  All the questions had answers, but she had no time for them. An impulse urged her to flee. And she trusted her instincts, even when her mind went blank.

  The folds of the dense mist closed, trapping the men behind her. A smoky gray cloud enveloped her and suddenly the gusts of rampaging air calmed.

  The heavens opened and a glimmering celestial light showered over her.

  Hypnotized by the dramatic changes, she searched the twinkling sky for Sirius, the brightest star of all. She had always found solace with that beacon as if it was a burning ember of hope meant only for her.

  Calandra lifted her arm and stretched out her fingers toward the soothing radiance. Loving the way the glow twinkled on her fingertips.

  Suddenly, a vortex of white mist engulfed her feet. Stars burst into an outline of a dog. They blended into one ray of glowing light. She glanced down as the meteoric rise of vapors elevated her from the ground. The faint yell from her pursuers became less of a distraction.

  Floating on a cloud, she looked to the heavens. The translucent mist took form into a chariot pulled by a creature with the body of a lion, the head of a hawk and the tail of a serpent. The most spectacular was the way he flapped his massive wings to glide and steer the chariot closer to her.

  Taken in by the magical sight of the creature, she stood in silent awe.

  Then an alluring, masculine voice penetrated her thoughts. “Take my hand,” he commanded.

  She stared at the long fingers piercing the glow of white. Without hesitation, she grabbed hold and felt relief in the secure strength of his grip pulling her onto the chariot. Encircling her slender frame easily with one arm, his hold assured her she’d not fall.

  Her life before became insignificant. Whether he be man or god, he had her full attention.

  The taut sinew of his arm was unyielding to the pressure of her fingertips. His hard body pressing against her back offered a comfort that made her feel safer than she had ever believed possible. She fought the desire to snuggle deeper into his hold.

  She considered conversation, but the seductive scent of him chained her mind to the pleasures of his masculine fragrance. The sex-laden perfume swept up her nostrils and she took short intakes of air to gather the entire essence of him.

  Caught in the moment, she knew no fear. Excitement gained ground. Then he shifted his hold, moved his arm, pressed his large hand squarely over one cheek of her quivering bottom and pulled her up against his solid contours.

  Calandra gulped at the tingle she felt from his possessive touch. Uncontrollably, she squirmed. Whether by his design or her growing desires, he kneaded her ass. His groping fingers stimulated an arousal she wasn’t ready to commit to—yet. She looked for an escape and discovered the impossibility of fleeing. Careening through a star-filled sky gave her no place to leap. Not that she really wanted to give up her position.

  “Who are you?” she nervously whispered as the white light in the heavens absorbed them.

  “The Dog Star,” he announced with a hint of pride and a lot of arrogance.

  Even though he continued to rub and squeeze her buttocks, she’d not let him intimidate her with his harsh tone.

  “That’s it?” She shuddered from the pressure of his finger raking her thin toga into the crack of her ass. “You’re called nothing else?”

  “Sirius,” he grunted.

  His finger pressed the skirting deeper. The stimulation to her anus intensified. She clutched the sleek hard flesh of his arm. “I am Calandra,” she said on a sharp intake of air.

  His stroke persisted. With her head so near his chest, his heartbeat echoed. It enticed her to press her ear against him. The vibrant, slowly escalating rhythm, entranced her. Soft hairs tickled her cheek. She felt the hardness of his erection lodged tight to her belly. She rose on her toes as if it was a possibility to make the tight bulge of his cock spring free of his clothes and penetrate her. The impractical act remained in her thoughts as a whimper escaped her.

  She dug her fingernails into the back of Sirius’ arms. Trembling, she fought off her oncoming orgasm. But her ass muscles clenched involuntarily, groping for the tease of his finger. Suddenly, she fell away from him. He didn’t force her, but he did propel her out of his grasp with urgency. In slow motion, she tumbled backward until she hit an unyielding stone floor.

  All that she had thought transpired faded like a dream. Had he brazenly fondled her bottom or had her imagination took flight with the idea?

  “Here’s your neophyte, Maximus,” Sirius announced. “I suggest from now on you do not mark them for the Greeks to persecute.”

  Calandra looked up to the man. No, not a man, but a god. The powerful god, Maximus. Her mind, already filled with plans of what she’d do if she faced this deity, was abuzz. He may not be Zeus or Hera, but he had the might of the stars at his command.

  “The philistines of the land are clearly stupid to anger the gods,” Maximus declared. “Who interfered with my chosen?”

  “Commoners of unimportance,” Sirius answered.

  Maximus walked to where Calandra still lay sprawled on the floor. His gaze swept the length of her. He lingered on her legs and then his stare fixated on her chest still heaving from the final gasps of her climax. Self-induced or not, her insides still twitched.

  “Where am I?” She blinked rapidly, offering a display of innocence.

  “See, she’s as stupid as well.” Sirius grunted, raking back his black mane. His bicep bugled with muscle.

  Calandra held back her sigh of appreciation for his alluring pose. Never had she seen a more elegant man carved of flesh so like granite. It explained her wanton lust for his touch.

  “I’m sure under you’re guidance, Calandra will become a welcomed goddess to Mount Olympus,” Maximus commented.

  “My guidance?” Sirius bellowed.

  Calandra covered her ears to the thunder of his raised voice.

  “Yes. I’m charging you with her care and tutelage,” Maximus replied. “If all goes smoothly, then it shouldn’t take you long to train her.”

  Her grandmother had told her many tales about her mother having a lo
ve affair with a Titan. The most interesting story was that someday Calandra would become a goddess—a queen of gods greater than both the Titans and the Olympians.

  And while Calandra wanted to believe it to be true, that she was the daughter of a deity, her mother never did admit to the fact.

  That Calandra was now in the heavens was proof what her grandmother had told her was true. But why had her mother guarded that secret was something Calandra didn’t think she’d ever know.

  Maximus bent down and fingered Calandra’s long hair and pressed a thumb between her lips with some inspection of her mouth. ‘Beautiful,’ he mouthed to her.

  “I’m not a teacher of mortals,” Sirius said, his outrage exposed.

  Calandra cringed from the loudness again.

  Maximus raised a brow, shooting Sirius a warning look. “I suggest you lower your tone until she has accustomed herself to the might of your voice, Sirius. You’ll never be able to train her if you make her deaf.”

  “The last one of your neophytes turned on me with the serpents of Medusa,” Sirius said. “If this one so much as bats an eye at… at…” He looked down at her.

  The wrath in his tone did not match the sensual hunger in his gaze. His dark eyes enchanted her like a stormy night. The unknown was always both scary and exciting.

  “It would do you a sight better not to give the girl ideas, Sirius.” Maximus reached for her hand. “Come my heavenly dove. Let me see your stature and examine you closer.”

  Calandra placed her hand in his. All she had hoped would come true, would if she played her part right. Maximus wanted to elevate her to a goddess. The rare occurrence had been in her dreams ever since she was a little girl. But was she capable of subjecting herself to the tests he’d certainly impose? Her grandmother had not given her facts on the arduousness of them. Just that she would have to prove competent.

  Calandra found Maximus’ hand cold. The extent of the chill enhanced when he fingered her breast through the wispy cloth of her toga. Her gasp came silent from her barely parted lips. If her tests were to submit to his lascivious needs, then she was ready. She had not grown up without the awareness of a man’s imprudence, nor did she expect a god’s manners to be more respectful of a woman. Sirius had already shown an indifference to her feelings.

  Or had he?

  She let her gaze travel over Maximus’ shoulder to Sirius. His intense stare held no emotion that she was able to see. Yet, the way he shifted uncomfortably, hinted at something. Her breast began to ache under Maximus’ heavy-handed kneading of her flesh.

  “So ripe and plump, wouldn’t you say, Sirius?” Maximus pulled the loose neckline of her toga down and forced her nipple to peek over the edge. “And delightfully pink. I like the rosy blush.”

  Sirius had been her champion against the men on Earth. If need be, would he be her defender against gods greater that himself?

  She turned her head slightly when Maximus lowered his face and kissed her puckered nipple. She didn’t mind the gentle swirl of his tongue or the nip he took to tug her breast further out of the garment. But a knot of angst formed in the pit of her stomach when he also slid his hand up the inside in her thigh.

  She glanced at Sirius again. His eyes grew even darker, though is didn’t seem possible. His features hardened as if he turned to stone. Did he not like what he witnessed?

  Or was that wishful thinking on her part?

  “If I’m to tutor the mortal, then I should get started,” Sirius suddenly snapped, irritation display in his quick strides toward them.

  Maximus lifted his head and his mouth came free of her breast. Sirius’ gaze dropped from hers. She looked to where he did—her exposed breast. Maximus’ saliva glossed her nipple and made it glimmer in the rays of light streaming around her.

  She glanced up and found Sirius had turned away. Had he done so out of boredom or disgust? Or jealousy?

  “Yes. Quite right.” Maximus fondled her other breast. “I do love to taste the nubile young ladies, especially ones so submissive to my inexhaustible delights of their bodies.”

  Maximus kissed her collarbone. His lips swept from one side to the other tickling her with his wiry white-haired beard. His groped her breast a bit rougher and pinched her skin a tad harder.

  “So exquisitely soft. I can already imagine what an enchanting lover you will be.” He pressed a kiss under her jaw and up along the side of her face as he continued kneaded her flesh.

  She closed her eyes and imagined Sirius in Maximus’ place. His hands sweeping over her skin. His lips feathering her neck with kisses. The fantasy pulled a low moan from her.

  Her eyes snapped open when Maximus grasped her by the shoulders and thrust her an arm’s length from him. Had he read her thoughts, seen her vision of Sirius lavishing her with affection?

  “Take her, Sirius, or I shall ravage the beauty before she’s capable of accepting the power of my thrusts.”

  Though his command was for her to go, he continued to hold onto her. His gaze drifted down the front of her. He licked his lips. “Maybe a small sampling from between her legs would quench my thirst for her.”

  Maximus reached for the knotted cord at her shoulder. Undoing the tie would release her clothing from her body. Yes, she’d do what was necessary, but it didn’t stop her silently seeking Sirius’s help. He advanced and she rethought her theory of gods and demigods knowing what went on in her head.

  Grabbing her by the hand, Sirius pulled her free from Maximus. “You should wait until she’s trained.”

  Maximus pouted. “A few licks to whet my appetite would be ever so satisfying right now.”

  Sirius kept a tight grip on her fingers with one hand while using his other hand to adjust her garment. She shivered slightly as his knuckles brushed her sore nipple when he tugged the cloth up over it. It wasn’t a noticeable move she made, so Maximus wasn’t aware. But Sirius was and he brushed his knuckles soothingly against her collarbone. A sign there was a crack in his staunchness.

  “Then take her away, Sirius. Teach and test her quickly so that I may soon indulge fully in the pleasures of her luscious body.” Maximus walked away.

  Calandra glanced up at Sirius and saw the flash of compassion leave his expression. That there had been any sympathy in him at all surprised her. From the moment they arrived, he had spoken as if she were not worthy of being in the heavens.

  His long gaze at her mouth suggested his harshness was a cover for his attraction. Sparks of heat zipped through her. She slid her hand over his wrist and guided his hand from her shoulder, down over her breast.

  She breathed heavily at the gentleness of his movements. The same hunger she felt for his touch, reflected in his mesmerizing gaze. For the seconds it took him to finish his teasing rub over the cloth covering her breast, he fully enamored her. Her insides fluttered, her pulse quickened and she felt faint.

  When he cupped her face, her knees weakened. She leaned against him for support. He brushed her lips with the pad of his thumb, but didn’t pull and prod her as Maximus had inspecting her mouth.

  She longed for Sirius’ kiss—to feel his mouth on hers, laying claim to her very soul.

  He bowed his head. His face came closer so his breath dusted her nose.

  “Yes,” she murmured, giving permission or confirming her desire, whatever he needed to fulfill her desire.

  Then, as if her skin burned him, he pulled back his hand and stepped away from her.

  Sirius had feelings. His eyes sparkled with a wildness that excited her.

  “Come.” He held out his hand outstretched to her.

  She took hold with the same blind trust she had when she was on the ground with the men pursuing her. Looking back, the men that chased her seemed as if they were part of a dream. She wasn’t able to remember what led up to their anger or their reason for wanting to capture her.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  The darkness returned to his eyes and his brow furrowed as if the innocently si
mple question had angered him.

  “You’ve been chosen to be elevated to a goddess.” He pulled her toward his chariot.

  “Why?” She stumbled from his jarring haste.

  “No doubt to be another of Maximus’ many mistresses. He prefers his women to be close at hand, and no one lives on Olympus but gods and goddesses.”

  “Don’t I have to be a child of a god to be made a goddess?” She hoped he knew the answer she had always wanted to know.

  “As the daughter of Helios, you qualify.” He grasped her by the waist and lifted her up into the chariot.

  “What if I don’t want to be the mistress of Maximus?” She looked at the animal stomping a hoof on the ground.

  “Not want? What right have you to not want a god?” Sirius stormed. “I hope Maximus dubs you with a befitting moniker like the Goddess of Lunacy to fit your personality.”

  Calandra didn’t care what they called her. She was where she had dreamed to be—she was in the heavens where her destiny was now unfolding.

  Chapter Two

  As a demigod, Sirius had the power to hear the dreams of mortals. Calandra was only part mortal, her thoughts her own, Yet, for some time, he had felt Calandra’s longing for him as if they knew each other. Had her desires to know him gained Maximus’ attention?

  “I never said I didn’t want a god.” Calandra’s coy smile made his heart lurch.

  He was in trouble.

  The gods and their games often came with unforeseen consequences. Who would be the loser this time? Calandra, Maximus or as he now feared, himself?

  As Sirius stepped onto the chariot, his gaze locked again with Calandra’s. He too had a mortal side. But he had harnessed the emotions after he chose to reside in the heavens. The beauty in Calandra’s stare began to weaken his hardened heart. Her golden tresses haloed the refined features of her face. He imagined her hair as soft as the fleece of a lamb.

  For years he had ignored the way she grew more focused on him as a star in the night sky. It was easy to laugh off a child’s interest. He hoped when her youthful innocence was gone and her time became more occupied with a husband and chores and children, she’d lose interest in her dreams. But she hadn’t. She matured and so did her desires. He found himself drawn to strength and beauty of the young woman.